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Dayoo Advanced Ceramic Co.,Ltd
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Nhà > các sản phẩm > gốm nhôm > Alumina Ceramic Material White Alumina Ceramic Parts High Mechanical Strength
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Liên lạc: Ms. Lu
Số fax: 86-579-82791257
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Alumina Ceramic Material White Alumina Ceramic Parts High Mechanical Strength

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Làm nổi bật:

white alumina ceramic parts


alumina ceramic material white


alumina ceramic parts high mechanical strength

Alumina Ceramic Material White Alumina Ceramic Parts High Mechanical Strength

Alumina Ceramic Material White Alumina Ceramic Parts High Mechanical Strength 0


Alumina ceramics are the most widely used materialsin the variety of fine ceramics,which after being subject to a sintering process,feature the same crystalstructure(AlzO3)as sapphire and ruby.These materials are used in a wide range of industrialfields due to their superb material characteristics suchas high electrical insulation,high mechanical strength,and high wear-and chemical-resistance.